Strength vs endurance training adaptations for endurance performance

Research has shown that the completion of concurrent strength and endurance training can improve 3km and 5km time-trial performance, running economy, cycling economy, velocity at VO2max and maximal anaerobic running velocity. But how does strength training create these improvements? And are these improvements also seen from traditional endurance training?

It is important to recognise that strength training and endurance training in runners are proposed to improve performance indicators and physiological factors influencing performance through differing mechanisms.

Typically, endurance training improves aerobic and anaerobic power and capacity, such as oxygen transport and utilisation, the storage and utilisation of phosphocreatine (PCr) and utilisation and the bodies buffering capacity. These factors influence the athlete’s VO2max, economy and lactate threshold which are all crucial components of endurance performance. In contrast, strength training improves neuromuscular capacity such as muscle fibre type, musculotendinous stiffness, motor unit recruitment and neural inhibition. These factors are also crucial for optimising endurance performance. These factors influence the athlete’s economy and ‘muscle power’ factors, rather than VO2max and lactate threshold. Interestingly, research shows that some of these changes in neuromuscular capacity are only seen from strength training and not endurance training, emphasising the need for strength training to optimise overall endurance performance.

In summary, endurance and strength training target varying aspects of overall endurance performance. The athlete will perform best when endurance and strength training are performed concurrently.

How strength training creates training adaptations for endurance performance

This infographic demonstrates the differences in how strength and endurance training can improve endurance performance. Strength training targets the bodies neuromuscular capacity, whilst endurance training improves aerobic and anaerobic capacity, and both improve endurance performance.


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